Exponent Case Management Awarded 2022 Top-Ranked Impact Tech Solution By X4Impact

Posted in: Blog
By: Marthe Rana

We have exciting news to share! Exponent Case Management has been chosen by X4Impact as the top-ranked impact tech solution in the area of Relationship Management for its popularity in search results and for meeting key criteria set by X4Impact. If you didn’t know, X4Impact is the leading Insights as a Service company for social innovation in the US with a directory of over 3,000 providers of social good products and services. Learn more about them here: x4i.org

In essence, the X4Impact Tech Directory helps nonprofits, government entities, businesses, and investors find solutions tailored to fit their specific needs. The Tech Directory uses the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals as the rubric for sorting solutions by impact area. People can search for solutions based on criteria including popularity, keyword matching, number of badges, recent updates, and more.

United Nations Sustainable Development Goals

So what exactly are the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals? At its heart, this framework consists of 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), which are an urgent call for action by all countries – developed and developing – in a global partnership. They recognize that ending poverty and other deprivations must go hand-in-hand with strategies that improve health and education, reduce inequality, and spur economic growth – all while tackling climate change and working to preserve our oceans and forests. Learn more about each of the goals here: https://sdgs.un.org/goals

X4Impact uses these goals alongside their proprietary tech impact solution to process billions of data points to provide leaders with the crucial insights, advice, and tools needed to deliver on their mission and build the social impact organizations of tomorrow. So what goals does Exponent Case Management exceed at? Well, we are currently listed and ranked for the following two categories! 

Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure

UN Sustainable Development Goal 9: Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure, aims to build resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustainable industrialization, and foster innovation. 

Partnerships for the Goals

UN Sustainable Development Goal 17: Partnerships for the Goals, aims to increase partnerships between governments, the private sector and civil society to improve knowledge sharing and resource mobilization in order to achieve sustainable development and the other SDGs.

Check out our listing here: https://x4i.org/all/tech-solution/exponent-case-management

2023 Vision 

We know that Exponent Case Management and in particular our Workforce Development Module and HMIS Module can do so much more to help organizations meet more of the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals and help more organizations overcome their challenges. X4Impact enables the selection of two categories, so we’re expanding our partnership with X4Impact and creating separate offerings in order to help those transforming their communities through workforce development and those on the front lines on ending homelessness. Look out for those in the new year! 

Exponent Case Management works to help human services organizations uncover the true value behind their data and was awarded the 2022 Top-Ranked Impact Tech Solution By X4Impact in the categories of Relationship Management.

The Top Ranked Impact Tech Solutions for 2022 fall under these 3 categories with 14 subcategories:

General Excellence: Solutions with the most badges (5+) across the entire directory.

Products: The most popular categories searched for in our directory: Addiction, Cybersecurity, Environment & Energy, ESG (Environmental, Social, Governance), Fundraising, Mental Health, Relationship Management, Poverty & Homelessness, and Workforce Development

Leadership: Highlighting solutions with diverse leadership, particularly from underrepresented groups in the tech sector: Black Leadership, Latino Leadership, Veteran Leadership, and Woman Leadership

Check out these great solutions recommended by members of the X4Impact community and numerous organizations across the US here. As for us, we are simply thrilled to be included in such an esteemed list of social good platforms. Not just for the notoriety, but the sense of unity with this collaborative cohort of organizations and businesses using their platforms for the betterment of all!

“As the leading case management solution for nonprofits, Exponent Case Management has a longstanding vision of a more connected, results-focused social sector. One of the keys to achieving this vision is integrated systems of care. The ability to measure a connected experience for the client allows nonprofits to measure performance and the impact of their programs. This enables nonprofits to move from counting the number of clients served to managing their outcomes as defined by their Theory of Change. With the right technology in place, an organization can start to measure the impact that they are having on the community they serve”, notes Exponent Case Management’s Product Director, Richard Saunders. “It’s important to mention that the system does not make decisions for individuals or predict what will happen. It surfaces information, allowing a skilled case manager or social worker to best support people and communities they serve.” 

Josh Wojcik, VP of Product at X4Impact adds, “one of the biggest challenges in this sector is measuring impact. It is easy for one to become lost trying to decide which business, organizations, and impact-areas to support. People often have questions about sustainable development, maximizing impact, support for BIPOC and minority-lead businesses, while choosing organizations that prioritize public interest. We have solved this problem by using technology to curate and maintain the largest directory of high-impact public-interest organizations helping others to shape decisions that are making our planet a better place for future generations.”

About Exponent Case Management 

Exponent Case Management is a comprehensive case management platform designed to help human services organizations drive radically better impact for the people and communities they serve. Packed with a customizable suite of tools for intake, assessment, service tracking, case records, outcomes reporting, compliance reporting, referral tracking and more. Our intuitive app is designed to help multi-service nonprofit agencies discover the data needed to optimize performance and manage programs with ease. Learn more about how your organization can leverage Exponent Case Management to drive radically better impact by watching an on-demand demo here.