Supporting you through your impact journey, from start to finish.
Partner with our knowledgeable customer success team to receive one-on-one support, training, integration assistance, and administrative services as you continually mature and grow with Exponent Case Management. Whether you need guidance or want to forge your own path, every user gets instant access to the following:
ECM User Group
A vibrant community of Exponent Case Management users where you can discuss best practices, tips, and ask questions of fellow users.
Success Portal
A space dedicated to your success where you can reach out to our team, catch up on the latest release notes, and review our documentation.
Knowledge Base
Access our knowledge base through our built-in portal for quick tips and helpful documentation.
With you every step of the way.
Learn more about the Success Center offerings available from our parent company, Exponent Partners.
“Now, instead of relying on just one person, we have a whole team of experts we can call on to provide the best possible advice. Everyone in the Customer Success Center is just great to work with and they all have deep expertise.”